Monthly Archives: August 2016

Hello There!

This is my first official post on this new blog. Who am I? Why am I here? Both are great questions. I will have a vlog up later further explaining what the heck I’m trying to accomplish with this and in life, but first I’ll take some time to just type some stuff out.

My name is Megan and I’m 29. I’m a mom. I’m an amateur photographer. I’m a person who deals with both anxiety and depression, which is one reason why I need this journey so badly. I have my bad days, but I also have my good ones. I love my daughter and making memories with her. And I love finding ways to enjoy and really live life.


I lost 50 lbs, well over a year ago. I had also kept it off for a while.


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(both of those pictures are from my first fitness journey, back when I was at a much healthier spot).

Then I hit a rough patch and all that weight came right back.

Plenty of times I told myself that I was “never going back”. And then I did. I think it left me feeling pretty defeated and the idea of having to do it all over again left me overwhelmed and felt impossible. I took this stance that I could do whatever I wanted in moderation. And moderation was something I didn’t pay attention to. I “celebrated” too much. I thought I could ignore the scale, too. I gave in to the emotional eating and struggled again with binge eating. I thought my exercise was enough to keep me okay. It wasn’t.

So here I am! A year after hitting the hardest spot I had been in in a while. Now I’m ready to jump in again. Be a better me. This is my health and fitness blog. But it’s more than just about fitness. I have 3 things I will be focusing on. Fun (experiences), Fitness and Purpose. I’ll explain more about those in my vlog. I used to make vlogs and ended up enjoying them.

Anyway, there’s an introduction into why I’m here. This will be fun for me. And if you want to take a peek at my journey as I go along, I’m more than happy to share it with you. 🙂

Here’s to getting back to Me and and finding out where this journey will take me and what I can learn along the way! 🙂

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